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Rhubarbe Crimson Delicious

Crimson Delicious rhubarb is a variety particularly appreciated for its balanced flavor, both sweet and tart. Its long, deep red stems give it a vibrant color that adds a touch of liveliness to many recipes.

Fleshy, Flavorful Stems: The stems of Crimson Delicious are known for their tender texture and delicate taste. High Yield: This variety is very productive and offers generous harvests every year. Hardiness: Crimson Delicious rhubarb is a hardy plant that adapts to many types of soil and resists cold well.
Couleur pétiole : Rouge et blanc verdâtre
Nombre de nervures : 5
Origine : États-Unis
Année : 1980
Développer par : Oregon, États-Unis

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Crimson Delicious

Oregon, États-Unis
Source : GRIN USDA Website, 2024

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