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Rhubarbe Grandad's Favorite

A rhubarb producing a crop in the first year. The plants are vigorous and high yielding, with thick, fairly sweet stems and good color. Well suited for forcing, ideal for simmering or baking.
Couleur pétiole : Rouge
Couleur à la cuisson : Rouge

Origine : Angleterre
Année : 1950
Développer par : Développé par Alan Bloom mangé de la rhubarbe au petit-déjeuner pendant la majeure partie de sa vie, c'est peut-être le secret de sa longévité.

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Grandad's Favorite

A rhubarb producing 'first early' growth. Plants are vigorous and high yielding, with thick, fairly sweet stems and good colour.
Source : The Royal Horticultural Society Website, 2024
Raised by Alan Bloom who ate this for breakfast for over 30 years perhaps the secret of his longevity. Good for forcing, vigorous, and juicy with a sharp, fresh flavour, ideal for stewing or baking.
Source : Bressingham Gardens and Nursery Webiste, 2024
Developed by Alan Bloom in the 1950's. A mid season variety with long red stalks making it popular for exhibition. It is a reliable heavy cropper with a sweet flavour, good for jams, pies and crumbles.
Source : Robinson & Son (Seeds & Plants) Ltd Website, mammothonion.co.uk, 2024
Obviously not any ordinary grandad, but Alan Bloom did like his rhubarb and had it with his breakfast cereal most mornings of the year. We think it even went back to Alan’s father, Adrian Bloom’s grandad Charles.
Source : Bressingham Gardens Newsletter - December 2017, 2024
‘Grandad’s Favourite’ was introduced by Alan Bloom of Bressingham, who lived until 97. He ate rhubarb for breakfast most of his life.
Source : Oxford Mail Website, Val Bourne, 2013

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