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Rhubarbe Poncho

Vigorous, upright variety with large, wrinkled, lobed, dark green leaves and thick, erect, red to reddish-brown stems.
Couleur pétiole : Rouge à brun rougeâtre
Brix : 4,10

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Poncho

Semi-erect attitude, type of cross-section 1, green ground color of skin, entire distribution of skin superimposed color at base, absent distribution of skin superimposed color at middle, absent distribution of skin superimposed color just below leaf blade, present hairiness just below leaf blade, absent or very weak ribbing of dorsal side, green color of flesh.
Source : The effect of the cultivar and harvest term on the yield and nutritional value of rhubarb juice, Ivana Mezeyová, Ján Mezey, Alena Andrejiová, 2021

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