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Rhubarbe Sunrise

Synonymes : Early Sunrise
Early Sunrise - very similar to McDonald's but the vigor is moderately less; the red is intense.

Developed by Experimental Station, CanadaDept. Agriculture, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Parentage: Derived from ‘Ruby’, open-pollinated. Characteristics: Large and vigorous variety; stems much thicker than ‘Ruby’; rapid production of seed stalks; very satisfying to force. Similar: to MacDonald but with a much better red color. 1946.
Couleur pétiole : Rouge foncé
Origine : Canada
Année : 1946
Développer par : Station expérimentale, Département Agriculture, Kentville, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Sunrise

Sunrise (Early Sunrise) – Breeder: Experimental Station, Canada Dept. Agriculture, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Parentage: Derived from ‘Ruby’, open–pollinated. Characteristics: Large, vigorous variety; stalks much thicker than ‘Ruby’; quick to produce seedstalks; very satisfactory for forcing. Similar: to MacDonald but with much better red color. 1946.
Source : Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America – Rhubarb, Todd C. Wehner, Jeanine M. Davis and George B. Cox - Department of Horticultural Science North Carolina State University, 2016
Early Sunrise - very similar to Mcdonald but vigour is moderately less; red is intense.
Source : Rhubarb Production in Alberta - Agri-Facts, Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development - Agdex, 2002
Pink, popular for forcing. Reportedly selected in the 1940s.
Source : Horticultural Reviews, Volume 40 - Wiley-Blackwell - 2012, Thomas M. Gradziel, Kim E. Hummer, Paolo Inglese, 2012
Originated at Dominion Experiment Station, Kentville, Nova Scotia. Stalks are reported to be thicker and more robust than 'its parent Ruby, to be well-flavored, and colored right to the leaves.
Source : Rhubarb in Alberta, J.S. Shoemaker, 2024

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