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Rhubarbe Cherry Wine

Tiges rouge vif ; presque libre de développement de tiges florales; a une vigueur modérée.
Couleur pétiole : Rouge vif

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Cherry Wine

Cherry Wine - bright red stalks; almost free of seedstalk development; has moderate vigour.
Source : Rhubarb Production in Alberta - Agri-Facts, Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development - Agdex, 2002
Bright red Moderate vigor. Produces few flower stalks.
Source : Rhubarb - Underutilized Vegetable Crops - Importance and Cullivalion, Aman Deep Ranga, Jagmeet Singh, 2023
Bright red, Moderate vigor. Produces few flower stalks.
Source : How to Grow Rhubarb in Your Garden, Taun Beddes, Utah State University, 2024

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