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Rhubarbe Emperor (Waite's)

Synonymes : New Emperor
Similaire au cultivar Victoria; plus gros, plus riche et moins de filaments dans les tiges; une variété très recherchée.
Couleur pétiole : Verte

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Emperor (Waite's)

In the way of Victoria; larger, richer, and less filament in the stalks; a very desirable variety.
Source : The Gardener's monthly and horticultural advertiser, Vol3 No1, 1861, John Saul, Washington City, D. C., 1861
Stalks green very large and of fine flavor.
Source : Rhubarb - American Heritage Vegetable, David S. Shields, McClintock Professor of Southern Letters, at the University of South Carolina, and Stephen Spratt, graduate student in English at the University of South Carolina., 2024
Rhubarb, New Emperor, fine, 50 cts.
Source : Abridged catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees, evergreens, & c offered for sale by John Saul, Washington, D.C, John Saul, Washington, D.C., 1878

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