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Rhubarbe Alberger

Short stems, reddish top, pale yellow flesh, small taproot, early maturity.
Couleur pétiole :
Origine : États-Unis
Année : 1946
Développer par : Breeder: Mr. Alberger, Busleton, Pa. Vendor: Eastern States Farmer Exchange, West Springfield, Mass.

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Alberger

Alberger – Breeder: Mr. Alberger, Busleton, Pa. Vendor: Eastern States Farmer Exchange, West Springfield, Mass. Parentage: unknown. Characteristics: short neck, flat globe shape, reddish top, pale yellow flesh, small tap root, early maturity. Similar: Early Neckless. Adaptation: northeastern United States. Eastern States Coop. 1946.
Source : Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America – Rhubarb, Todd C. Wehner, Jeanine M. Davis and George B. Cox - Department of Horticultural Science North Carolina State University, 2016

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