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Rhubarbe Goliath

Prolific variety, which, once established, produces up to 5 kg of delicious stems per crown. Tender and stringless, the thick stems have excellent flavor and a beautiful red color. Goliath is a high-yielding, versatile variety that is easy to grow and suitable for forcing. Height and spread: 100 cm (39 in).
Couleur pétiole : Rouge et verte parfois mouchetée
Couleur de la chaire : Rouge et verte

Origine : Pays-Bas
Année : ENV 1980

Citations portant sur la Rhubarbe Goliath

Origin: Developed – Netherlands. Near April 1980
Source : GRIN USDA Website, 2024
A popular red strain.
Source : Vaughan's gardening illustrated, 1928
We will have two varieties this year, the red Goliath and Victoria. The Goliath is the deepest red, our supply of roots is fair this year, the 1yr. will run from 5/8 to 1 inch. 2yr. 1 to 2 inches. Syr. 2 inches up at crown.
Source : Berry and vegetable plants, seeds, 1955

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