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Rhubarbe Holsteiner Blut

Synonymes : Holstein blood
Long juicy red light stems. Very vigorous.

Rhubarb Holsteiner Blut is a vigorous variety with long stems and dark red flesh due to a high anthocyanin content.

The variety gets its name from its stems, which are dark red in color due to a high anthocyanin content.

Holsteiner Blut has a very good, typical rhubarb taste with pronounced acidity, which is why it was highly rated in rhubarb tastings.

The stems, rather thin compared to other rhubarb varieties, have pronounced ribs at the back and deep grooves inside. The flesh is green to pink, sometimes red in the lower part of the stem. The red color is due to a high content of anthocyanins, particularly cyanidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-glucoside.

The leaves are dark gray-green in color. The leaf blades are heavily blistered and have a noticeably wavy edge.

Ernst Ladewig Meyn is the breeder of the rhubarb variety 'Holsteiner Blut'. The variety 'Holsteiner Blut' is a variety from the Ernst-Ladewig Meyn nursery in Ütersen, founded in 1880, which was launched in 1918. It is a cross between the rhubarb varieties 'Red Delicacy' and 'American Giant' .

Due to its good cultivation and taste properties, 'Holsteiner Blut' is recommended for cultivation to this day and is considered the best-known red-stemmed rhubarb variety
Couleur pétiole : Rouge vif dans le bas et verte dans le haut
Couleur de la chaire : Verte
Pilosité du pétiole : Lisse au bas et rugeuse dans le haut
Pétiole hauteur : 100 cm (40”)
Nombre de nervures : 7

Origine : Allemagne
Année : 1918
Développer par : Ernst Ladewig Meyn, Ernst-Ladewig Meyn d' Ütersen
Disponibilité : Disponible au canada

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