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Recipe Rhubarb Gingerbread

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Auteur : Mme L. Shallcross, Essex.

This recepie is from the Farmhouse Fare - Recipes From County Housewives Collected By The Farmers Weekly, 1954.

This dessert can be served as it comes out of the oven, or it is delicious with hot milk poured over it.

Note : The Oxford English Dictionary defines a Gill as "a measure of liquids containing one fourth of a standard pint." Thus, at one-fourth of a pint, a gill equates to four ounces. With two pints to the quart and four quarts to the gallon, there are 32 gills to the gallon.


  1. Put milk, treacle, fat, spice and ginger in saucepan, and melt over low heat.
  2. Sift in flour gradually, and finally add beaten egg.
  3. Pour half into greased dish; place chopped rhubarb and sugar on top, pour over remainder of mixture.
  4. Bake in moderate oven I hour.

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